Social Media Ads

As a performance marketing agency, we measure our success against the growth in your bottom line. When we enter into a partnership we commit ourselves to growing your business and that is why our only measure of success is your success!

digital advertising,
Calculated Approach

We know you will be excited to have the data find demystified but the benefits do not stop there, it gets even better! When we consistently hit your ideal for cost per lead or ROAS on any social channel then we get to dig into the fun questions together, like: 

“Your ROAS is consistently sitting at 11, can your order fulfillment and supply teams handle scaling your sales?”

take the guess work out of advertising

Monthly Reporting

With our social media advertising team and easy to understand monthly reporting, you too can take the guesswork out of determining your ROI, and track every dollar spent in metrics including, but not limited to, cost per lead, return on ad spend (ROAS), purchases, abandoned cart, link clicks and more! 

"Here is a placeholder testimonial"

Client Name

Company Name

know where to serve

find your audience

When it comes to selecting the ideal channels, it’s all about having the right channels in play for the right audience and the right content for each channel! After that it is the technical know-how of the ad buyer and manager that makes all the difference! This is the secret recipe we know and you’re after!

Join the Meta Network

If your intended audience is on social media, they’re on Meta’s social media platforms - be it Facebook or Instagram. We are certified experts in both applications and will utilize them to the fullest to grow your business.

Analyze Demographics

If your intended audience is under 35, Meta’s Instagram advertising platform may be right for your business. With over 1.38 billion active users, over 70% of whom are under 35, Instagram is the mecca for impressionable Gen Z & Millennial audiences.

Attract the right audience

Hoping to reach a broader or more mature demographic? Meta’s Facebook advertising platform may be right for you. Reach out to us to discuss Facebook advertising solutions to connect you with your desired audience on their social media platform of choice.

grow on the platforms that matter

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is where professionals go to connect. Your B2B services deserve to be seen by the right eyes, with LinkedIn Ads. LinkedIn is a hub of B2B marketing opportunities that you can’t afford to miss.

Twitter Ads

Whether you want to grow your Twitter following, drive higher brand recall and awareness, or reach the largest audience possible - there’s a Twitter ad format that’ll get the job done. With over 20 objective and creative combinations to consider, your business deserves to be expertly guided by our professional digital strategists.

target new audiences

SnapChat Ads

The king, or perhaps queen of short form video advertisement, SnapChat is an underutilized marketing stream that any business targeting women under 35 should seriously consider tapping into. With less competition than more familiar social media platforms, 84% of SnapChat users are under 35, and over 70% are female. Talk to us about taking your ecommerce marketing strategy to the people.

TikTok Ads

Advertising in motion, TikTok video ads are the latest social media marketing phenomenon, and they’re here to stay. Overwhelmed by the thought of mastering a new marketing platform? Let our expert digital strategists guide you through it! If you want to market to a younger audience, just ask a few 16-20 year old's what social platform they spend the most time on, we would bet 8 out of 10 times the answer will be TikTok!

Launch your next project

Take your business to the next level and get Canada's leading advertising agency on your next campaign.

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